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Why is London the best city for being a music journalist?

London is one of the most relevant cultural regions. Its reputation as a global city and the quality and diversity of art are some of the reasons why I wanted to live here.


I moved from Poland and started my 'new life' as a migrant in the historical city Plymouth on the south coast. Unfortunately, it was less interesting in term of the music scene, even compared to the city I am from, Katowice. Aside from a couple of Drum'n'bass gigs which I off my list, there was not much going there, and few opportunities to see Polish or international artists.

Moving to the London with its wider music scene was just a matter of time. Is there any other place in the world so dedicated to promoting art and culture? Maybe, I will check them out at another time, right now exploring the British capital and the cultural experiences take enough effort. But it is a very nice effort.

Before I came to London I didn't even though that my passion for music could evolve into something more professional. Although I am not a musician and I am not sure that my attempts of becoming a rapper really count, I found a way of how to combine my interests in music, pop-culture and writing through journalism. To be a successful music journalist you need to be in a place where you have access to the widest range of clubs and gigs so you can create some original and timely content. And London is just perfect for that and it offers more opportunities for professional experiences.

For the last three years, I have had the chance attend plenty of events and festival, which left a great impression on me and gave me some priceless memories. The list of artists who I could listen and see on live is already quite extensive and still growing. I have been on performances by American stars such as Nas, M.I.A., Run The Jewels, Danny Brown, G-Eazy, Post Malone, R.A. The Rugged Man, A-F-R-O, Lil Dicky and Flatbush Zombies. As well as these I have seen many Polish artists: Pokahontaz, OSTR, WSRH, Rover, Junior Stress, TEDE, Pro8l3m, Wuzet, Myslovitz, Renata Przemyk, Panny Wyklęte (Cursed Maiden). And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Being in London in 2018 is another exciting year for a music connoisseur as the city will be visited by many of the artists I rate, for example, legendary duo Method Man & Redman, Jurrasic 5 member Chali 2Na or Childish Gambino is one of the headliners at Lovebox Festival in July. There is so much to check and it cost so much I sometimes wish I had a sponsor.

Anyway, here in London, there are more opportunities to continue my journalistic practice and just have a good time doing the activities I enjoy the most. Right now a career in music journalism looks like the best life choice. And I advise to anyone who has similar plans to at least visit London from time to time. It is a place where you can get information first hand and experience every kind of entertainment you can imagine.

My hint: gain knowledge from the source.

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